API Search seems to be down - Getting 403 and 502

@MArkWilliams thanks for sorting this we are now back and running. I did have an odd behaviour though, I had 2 separate clients, one in .net and the other python. On receiving the 403’s, this was only happening with the .net client however the python client was able to stream. Im just curious if there is a rule on your end that checks the client type, and if so, was .net not allowed? PS both clients were using the same api key and requests coming form the same ip address.

@MArkWilliams - We are getting 403s again this morning (at least since 1am)

Edit - It looks like it is not the JSON here now it is the service here where we are getting the same 403 error - I guess related to the same firewall update URI

Do not confuse URI with the API
The URI service has a rate limit of 300 requests per 5 minute window. This is the rate limit for normal web customers. The API has double that.
We also have the streaming service and bulk products that may be of use to you.

No there is no client type checks on our services.
If you exceed rate limits you will get 403 responses.
We cannot help you with your coding of course.