Can we bulk download Officer/Director Data?

Hi @MArkWilliams

Could I also get a bulk download of the officer / director data please?


@MArkWilliams could I please throw my hat in the ring to request a link for bulk officer data download? Disqualified officers bulk data , in addition to this, would be great but I believe that isn’t available yet.

Hi @MArkWilliams would be great if I could also get the link for the bulk download of the officer/director data.

Many thanks!

Hi @MArkWilliams, could I also get the link to access company officer data?


How can I get bulk data with the API. I am looking to do an analysis with the data of company profile, charges, PSC, shareholder etc. How do I go about it?

Hi @MArkWilliams sorry haven’t heard back from CH since my last post requesting access to bulk officers data. Any chance of getting my hands on it now? Thanks

Hi @MArkWilliams I’d like to request bulk data containing officers and CS01 statements.

Hello @MArkWilliams,

I’m also interested in bulk officer data. Can someone from the team contact me as well please?

Thank you!

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Hi @MArkWilliams,

I’m also interested in bulk officer data. Can someone from the team contact me as well please?

Thank you!

I’d like to request a copy of the bulk officer data please.

Many thanks

I’d like to request the bulk director data too please

Hi, I am looking for a bulk download for Office Data also. Please could further details be provided on how to request this. Kind Regards.

Hi could I also get a bulk download of officer data please or request further details on how to obtain it.

Kind Regards

Hi, Did you have any luck with this request?

Hi @MArkWilliams,

I’m interested in getting access to bulk officer data. Can you put me in contact with the relevant team please?


Hello @MArkWilliams,

I would also be keen to get officer data bulk download. Would it be possible to get in touch with the relevant team please ?

Thank you for your help,

Good afternoon , @MArkWilliams, we would also like to access the bulk download of Officers data.

Could we please also have access to the Officers/Directors bulk data?
Thank you!!

Hello @MArkWilliams ,
Can I please have access to Bulk Officers / Directors data ?


@MArkWilliams Hi Mark, is it possible to get a copy also, thanks!