I have received an email from chs@companieshouse.gov.uk. It has been blocked by my companies ICT department.
They have said that the email(s) have the following flag, DNS Authentication: DMARC Fail. They report that the envelope is @eu-west-1.amasonses.com.
Please can someone advise if this is the correct domain? I have tried to email chs@companieshouse.gov.uk to confirm, but I haven’t received a response, possible because it is blocked?
Can anyone confirm if it is a legitimate email? I have had issues with them blocking legitimate emails. However, on the other hand, I understand why they are so cautious.
Hello, the @companieshouse.gov.uk domain is valid, and I know that the general enquiries email address is enquiries@companieshouse.gov.uk
HOWEVER you need to understand that email senders can lie about who they are. I had a message from noreply@companieshouse.gov.uk where the header says dmarc=pass [snip] header.from=companieshouse.gov.uk; (and I was expecting it) so I trust it.
Your ICT department is blocking an email where the DMARC fails, so I suggest you heed their advice to not trust the email. DMARC failure suggests that someone pretended to email from Companies House, but they are not really.
Scammers like to use ‘official sounding’ government domains to defraud you, but in this case your ICT department appears to have caught it. I suggest you ask them for any further advice on how to use email safely, and when to be trusting.