Company Accounts daily zip file missing for Dec 05, Feb 2, Mar 1 and Mar 15

@MArkWilliams accounts file seems to be missing for these dates. I’ve included the days too because initially I had thought that there was a change to the days that the data was uploaded because of the ongoing monthly file upload issues but the daily update files list on the link below has other files which were uploaded on Fridays and Tuesdays too

Dec 05 2023 Tuesday
Feb 2 2024 Friday
Mar 1 2024 Friday
and Mar 15 Friday

Could this be uploaded?

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Thank you for taking the time to report these missing files. I will get this investigated.


Thanks Mark. I’ll keep an eye on the page for changes.

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We have added all missing files, except the Dec 5th file. That one failed, so I have arranged to get it re-generated.
Thanks for your patience.

Thank you , I will test them out when back at work .

Any news on Dec 5 file yet? The rest of the files seem good. Thanks
Update: Sorry Feb 2 is still missing too

@MArkWilliams sorry to be a pain. Is reuploading Dec 5 file still on the radar, I appreciate that there are other plenty of other items on the list.