Company Officers API 401 CORS Issue

Hi @MArkWilliams,

Thanks for the response. Yes we are only having issues with the officers API - which is giving the CORS error. As far as i’m aware the others are working fine (we also use the company search/company profile and they work fine). We use the same API key calling both with one working and one not so domains are correct.


Hi @MArkWilliams ,

We are experiencing this same problem. As others have mentioned, all other request areas that we use are working okay with the same API Key, it is just the requests to the Officers API that are returning a 401 code where it wasn’t previously. This is causing significant issues for us so we appreciate you taking the time to look into this!

Thank you,

We are still unable to reproduce this, but are still investigating. We are now looking at all deployments and changes. We have 2 dates from this forum post here of 9th April and 12th April. Does anyone have a more accurate date or time when they first experienced this?

@MArkWilliams ,

We see the same problem specifically with officers API and the issue is consistently occurring.
The successfull request, response from my end on 27-March-2024.
Please note we have not received request after 27th March until 12th Apr on my app end.

Hence, I would suggest you to check the deployments or any change which was done from company house between 28th Mar “To” 12th Apr.

Hi @MArkWilliams ,
could you please let us know if the problem is identified and for fix.

@MarkWilliams If you want a demo of the problem, use the refresh icon on this page with the F12 del tools window open:
(green circle arrow buttons)
If I remove the fetch_officer_data() function I get company and PSC data just fine. All three fetch functions use the same requester function sendRequest() which has
var headers = new Headers({
‘Authorization’: 'Basic ’ + apikey64,
‘Content-Type’: ‘text/json’,
‘Origin’: ‘
const options = {
method: method,
headers: headers,
mode: ‘cors’

Hi @MArkWilliams ,

Could you please check if the change implemented as per below link causing an problem on this current ongoing issue.

Hi @MArkWilliams,

Could we please request an update on this? Has there been any progression with the investigation?

This issue is causing significant issues with our business, so any update would be much appreciated.

We appreciate you taking the time to look into this.

Thanks again,

Hi @MArkWilliams is there any update on this issue yet?

Thank you,


Hi @MArkWilliams

Has there been any update on this? This issue is having a large impact on our operations so any update would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

@MArkWilliams do we have any update on this? we have had to turn the API off to get around this issue which has been like this since April

Hi @MArkWilliams. We to are waiting for an update. This has been an issue for a while now.
To confirm, this was first noticed by us 9th April


Hi @MArkWilliams,

Just following up. Has it been confirmed that the behaviour for calling this API has changed?

Thank you

We have now found the issue and are looking at a fix.


Hi @MArkWilliams ,
Thanks for the response. could you please advise further update on the fix and timelines to resolve.

Hi @MArkWilliams,

Good day! We would like to inquire on more details regarding the fix you plan to implement on your end. This is just to make sure that the change we are currently making will still work even after your team applies the fix. We are trying to future proof our product for the features that use the affected APIs. Thank you.


A solution is still being worked on, but I do not have any dates yet.

Hi @MArkWilliams ,

Good day. I hope this finds you well. Is there an update now on the solution your team is working on for this issue? Thank you.


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The work is ongoing and the proposed solution is currently undergoing testing.
As soon as its ready to go live it will.
We will obviously let you know when that is imminent.

Hi @MArkWilliams ,

Thank you for the updates. Apologies for pestering you on this. Our clients are pressing us for ETA. Looking at the current state of the fix, would you be able to estimate if it is possible for the fix to be completed by the end of this month? Thank you.
