Missed Company profile stream update for "15906220"

I’m consuming the company profile stream and I seem to have missed an update for company “07338982”. I think I have missed an update because my value for Etag is “1e6cd60bd31909ac0294fbaeec5813cd3b293b4d” , however the Etag value returned by the REST API is “b3e8d9d775558733679e0fc083fd74aeac3c5c14”. Etag is a hash of the object contents, which leads me to believe that my stored profile is out-dated.

Please can someone consuming the company profile stream confirm their stored Etag value for company “15906220”. I need to know if I have an issue with my stream consumption logic.

I believe I also have the same or similar issue with companies “11691440”, “14527087”, “09890823”.

Thank you for getting in touch. We are investigating. Would you have the timepoint for the last stream message you received for that company (or any of them)?

Hi Mark, thank you very much for getting back to me.

I do not have the timepoint for messages relating to the companies above, but, I did do a bit more digging and found another example yesterday. This example was for company “14495590”, timepoint of last message received “82317363”. As explained above, the resource available through the REST API differs to this stream update.

Initial investigation shows two stream events, however there did seem to be a data inconsistency at the time.
Investigation continues…
Thank you for you patience.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We appear to have a bug affecting a small number of companies going through restoration. We are investigating and will provide an update in due course.

Thank you for the response, please can you keep me posted with updates regarding this fix!

OK, that last update about ‘a bug affecting a small number of companies going through restoration’ was a red herring and is not the issue. Investigation continues…