We will be updating the following resource specifications so that they properly reflect what the APIs are returning. Specifically, the “address” object as well as all items within it are being made optional, and the “appointed_on” data item will also be optional.
- officerList
- officerSummary
- appointmentList
- officerStream
We will also be adding a new data item, ‘person_number’ to the the following resources:
- officerSummary
- officerList
- officerStream
The inclusion of ‘person_number’ will be effective from April 6.
Will the “person_number” field allow matching of the officers to the data provided in the officer bulk product?
Yes it will - it is the same number.
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@MArkWilliams will there also be new API endpoints to query officer records using ‘person_number’?
@MArkWilliams we’ve seen Bad Request errors being returned when specifying the order_by parameter but not providing a value for it. These errors started on the 6th of April, which may correlate with these changes you announced being release.
Not sure if you can confirm this is indeed related and expected, or something else that have changed but not announced?
Example of a request that will return a 400 Bad Request.
After reviewing the updates to the documentation for the officers APIs, I’ve noticed mention of bulk data products 208 and 209. I’ve not been able to find any mention of these products elsewhere so I wanted to enquire about whether these products exist and what data is included in them. I also noticed that products 216 and 198 do not seem to include managing officers appointed at overseas entities (registration number prefix ‘OE’) despite them being provided by the streaming API, is there another bulk product that we can get this data from?