Constant 403s - IP Block?

I have started to receive a constant stream of 403s when calling the CH APIs; I have a feeling that the outbound range for our service is shared within our cloud provider. How can I find out about having addresses unblocked or at least an understanding of why this block has occurred!?

I am still getting 403 as of 10:22am. I am using an Azure Function to call the Streaming API

I also got a number of 504 errors yesterday on the streaming APIs for PoSC, Insolvency and CompanyInfo, starting around 7am yesterday.

How can we get the data lost back once the system is back up and running?

You can get back the “lost” data by using the timepoint parameter to connect to the stream starting at the last event you processed.
Use the value of event.timepoint on the last successfully processed event on your end.

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This does seem to have been related to the larger outage caused by a CH deployment last night; my access is now restored. Anyone else should check out this thread API Search seems to be down - Getting 403 and 502